Wittenborg Welcomes 89 New Students from 20 Countries for the September Start

Introduction Week Features Informative Sessions and a Special Welcome Lunch
As a new academic 'September' block begins, 89 students representing 20 different nationalities were welcomed by Wittenborg, across its three campuses, at the start of their educational journey. This diverse group hails from Chile, China, India, Netherlands, USA, Iran, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Morocco, Somalia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey, Uganda, South Korea and Vietnam. The Business School has 6 entries a year in its BBA, MSc and MBA programmes, and expects a further 70 new students to join in October and another 50 new students in December!
This year, from 29 August to 1 September, Wittenborg's new students participated in the school’s Introduction Week, which takes place at the beginning of each block. Throughout this period, they engaged in various sessions aimed at familiarising them with the institution and providing valuable insights into life in the Netherlands, or in the case of Munich, life in Germany. Introduction Week was held at the main campus Apeldoorn, and the Amsterdam and Munich locations.
On the first day of the Introduction Week, in Apeldoorn, participants were given basic tips about Dutch culture as well as immigration procedures that they need to follow from their first few days in the Netherlands until they graduate. These sessions also offered valuable career development advice, emphasising the significance of internships. Additionally, the new students had the chance to get to know each other and learn more about different cultures. These interactions are a great opportunity to find new friends and indulge in Wittenborg’s family-like atmosphere.

Iranian student Atefeh Yar Mohammadi, who starts a MSc degree programme in Apeldoorn, said that she was very excited about attending the activities. “These sessions featured a lot of useful tips about Dutch culture, public transportation, general rules and how to be successful as an international student. The information given to us was very clear and complete, but the most exciting part for me is finding new friends, which is very important.”
New students were also given crucial information on how to use Wittenborg’s virtual learning environment (Moodle) and other cloud based applications related to their studies, and after numerous informative sessions on study at Wittenborg, students and staff celebrated this promising new start with the Introductory Lunch. In addition to enjoying some delicious Dutch-style healthy sandwiches and drinks, they also had the chance to get to know each other better.

During the event at the main campus in Apeldoorn, Wittenborg CEO Maggie Feng delivered an inspirational speech, sharing stories from the time when she moved to the Netherlands as an international student, 24 years ago. Feng also offered valuable tips to the new students. “Many of our staff and lecturers at Wittenborg started as international students or expats. We have experienced the challenges that you have faced and will face, so you are not alone. Remember, no pain, no gain. See where we are now and focus on what you want to achieve. So, keep going, keep smiling and facing all of your challenges with a positive spirit, because you will only become stronger.”

At its Amsterdam campus, Wittenborg's 23 new 'September Block' students were given the same welcome and followed a similar programme mirroring their colleagues in Apeldoorn, enjoying sessions with the Academic and Support Staff Teams there.
All new students at Wittenborg conclude their Introduction Week with an academic English writing session, which is compulsory for all new students, even though many have proved their English language proficiency by obtaining IELTS 6 or above. The aim of the internal test is to provide new students with as much up to date study advice as possible, so that if a student needs extra English writing support this can be established at the start!

During the Introduction Week at Wittenborg University's Munich Campus, we warmly welcomed our newest batch of students. The new students were given an overview of the university's academic process, ensuring that they are well-prepared for their academic journey ahead. Students were then familiarized with the e-learning platform of Wittenborg Online, the essential tool for their upcoming studies.
The introduction week ended with a tour of Munich's city centre. Highlights included visits to the Marienplatz, the majestic dome of Munich, the royal palace, and the opera. The city tour ended on a sweet note, with students indulging in traditional Bavarian donuts called ‘Schmalznudel’.
Wittenborg wishes all of its new family members a great study journey!
WUP 4/9/2023
by Sara Mirfakhraie
©WUAS Press