Join Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences and you join a highly motivated and dedicated organisation, operating in a multicultural environment in which more than 120 nationalities work, study, innovate and socialise together.
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences is an entrepreneurial and innovative organisation that encourages its students to achieve to the highest levels. Wittenborg's organisation is a top down, flat-level structure, which allows staff and students to interact with each other and with management, whilst still enabling the Education Board and the Examination and Graduation Board to operate within their functions, ensuring that the quality systems in place are constantly maintained.
The Foundation & Organisation Chart

Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences is owned by a foundation called the Stichting Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences Executive and trustees from the board.
A separate foundation oversees the Executive called the Stichting Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences Advisory Board, an independent non-financial organisation responsible for advising and monitoring the executive, reviewing yearly and interim Wittenborg reports, and, when necessary, appointing executive board members.