
Agents & Representatives

Wittenborg Agent Representative Network

At Wittenborg, we believe in the power of personalised guidance and support for our students. That's why we work with a dedicated network of agent representatives who operate right in students' home country. Our agents play a pivotal role, offering valuable advice, counselling, and assistance to students, ensuring they make informed decisions every step of the way.

Wittenborg agent representatives have worked with us over the years to provide:

Student Support

Welcome to the Student Support Office!

Wittenborg has two types of student tutor support systems, one for academic issues and one for non-academic issues. Wittenborg has an open door policy which means that students find all staff easily accessible during office hours on the days they are working. Also Wittenborg Online and Office365 make it easy for students to contact the correct staff member about any issue. Wittenborg is also small enough to allow students to have easy and direct contact with management, if they wish.