Wittenborg's Cosmopolitan New Students

Wittenborg's Cosmopolitan New Students

Plenty of Work Experience Between Them

A cosmopolitan group of new students from 8 different countries started their classes at Wittenborg Amsterdam this week, preceded by a fun orientation session at their new campus. They are part of the last intake at WUAS for the 2018-19 academic year.

The new students are from Brazil, Cameroon, Iran, China, the Netherlands, India, Vietnam and Pakistan and consist of both master's and bachelor's degree students.

Wittenborg's Cosmopolitan New Students

One of them is MBA student Farhat Saddique from Pakistan, who graduated from Wittenborg last year with a bachelor's degree and now wants to continue with her studies. After the graduation, she gained work experience in the Netherlands and decided to broaden her horizons by doing a Master Business Administration in Finance in Amsterdam.  

Another student with plenty of work experience is Bahram Abd Parvardegari from Iran who will do a Bachelor in Entrepreneurship & Small Business in Amsterdam. Bahram has over 12 years' work experience in engineering and establishing a company with his partners back in Iran. However, he would like to gain more knowledge in management and entrepreneurship abroad.

Wittenborg's Cosmopolitan New Students

Last week students had a memorable work placement session with Sanne de Jong, Wittenborg’s Student Career & External Relations Coordinator, as well as a management game with Andreas Ooijer, EBA Programme Coordinator.

The other new students are Victor Martins Pereira (Brazil),  Laetitia Ya-Kan Ngum (Cameroon), Jiawei Luan (China), Nancy Vosveld (the Netherlands), Calvin Raj Fernandes (India) and Ngoc Quynh Trang Tran (Vietnam).

WUP 27/5/2019
by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press