Wittenborg Students Visit Echoput Hotel in Apeldoorn

Students Learn about Sustainability in Hospitality Industry at 5-Star Apeldoorn Hotel
About 60 students from WUAS visited the 5-star De Echoput Hotel & Restaurant located in the Het Loo Royal Estate's forest in Apeldoorn as part of the second Project Week company visit of the academic year.

Wittenborg has built a solid relationship with the luxury De Echoput over the past 3 years with many international students doing internships there or even finding jobs post-graduation. The owner of the hotel, Karel Klosse, recently said in an interview that he has no problem hiring English-speaking staff.
During last week's Project Week excursion, the students had the chance to discover different parts of the hotel and learn about its overall management.
Wittenborg alumnus Illia Kupris, who currently works at the hotel as Day and Morning Manager, also gave a presentation to students on sustainability measures implemented at De Echoput.

Wittenborg Back Office Administrator Sinan Colasan, who accompanied the group said: "The students challenged Illia a lot during the question and answer session and took down some notes. They are supposed to reflect on what they have learned from this visit as part of their group presentations and reports by making some critical analyses."
WUP 15/11/2019
by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press