Wittenborg Students Urged to Take Part in One of World's Biggest Surveys on Entrepreneurship

30 June is Deadline for Students to Fill out GUESSS Survey
Students at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences have until 30 June, 2021, to take part in what is to be one of the largest entrepreneurship research projects in the world, the GUESSS. The aim is to gain insight into student entrepreneurship, both from an academic and practical point of view - something business students at Wittenborg will definitely benefit from.
GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey) looks at students' career choice intentions and related activities in around 50 countries and more than 1,000 universities across the globe. Students who complete the survey before the deadline stand to win one of ten vouchers of €20 each from either bol.com or Amazon.
The vouchers are sponsored by Oost NL - a development agency committed to strengthening the regional economy in the eastern part of the Netherlands. The initiative is supported by the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel as well as the national Department of Economic Affairs and Climate.
Through the GUESSS several research topics are investigated in detail, such as entrepreneurial intentions, nascent entrepreneurship, growth and performance of new ventures and how succession works in family businesses. It will also look at the factors influencing entrepreneurship on different levels, like the individual level, family level, university level as well as contextual influences, like culture and institutions.
To achieve the main goal, GUESSS collects data in as many countries as possible every 2–3 years. This is done through a centrally managed online survey which includes validated and up-to-date measurement instruments. This allows detailed cross-country comparisons and within-country analyses.
GUESSS also identifies students who answer the survey in two different data collection waves, which allows a longitudinal analysis. On a general level, the survey addresses various stakeholders: students, researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and universities among others.
WUP 27/06/2021
by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press