Want to Exude Power? Strike a Pose

Particularly Important for Young Women to Own their Space

Particularly Important for Young Women to Own their Space

Students at Wittenborg Amsterdam recently got a lesson on how owning their personal space by simply taking on a more powerful stand, can boost their confidence in business.

The Phase One students followed a Training in Interpersonal Skills (TIPS)  workshop on “Peak Performance”, which focused on power posing and how it affects one's body chemistry.

The concept of power posing is based on the work of Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist at Harvard Business School. Dr. Cuddy's work on brain chemistry and bodily posture demonstrates how we can change our attitude by assuming a more powerful pose.

To illustrate this phenomenon, Wittenborg students were asked to do sing-alongs, karaoke-style, to a couple of rock anthems and power pose to the music while practicing poses like "the wonder woman" and "the warrior." 

Wittenborg lecturer Amy Abdou says: "This workshop is particularly important for young women in business studies. Teaching them to own space and feel powerful can impact their participation in the classroom and their confidence for future endeavors."

Wittenborg Amsterdam’s Marketing and Admissions officer, Iryna Bernatska, said: “The students love this workshop with Amy and every year they are excited to perform and to leave their comfort zone.”

WUP 29/3/2019
by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press

Particularly Important for Young Women to Own their Space
Particularly Important for Young Women to Own their Space
Particularly Important for Young Women to Own their Space