Video: Watch the EuroCHRIE conference 2022 in Apeldoorn

Look back to EuroCHRIE 2022 in Apeldoorn
From 24 to 27 October 2022, Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences had the pleasure of hosting the 2022 European Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (EuroCHRIE) at the ROC Aventus building in Apeldoorn. Around 170 delegates from more than 20 countries, including places like Japan, France, Morocco, Australia and Finland, came to the conference to network and share information.
Wittenborg CEO Maggie Feng announced that she is standing down as Director of Conferencing and Networking at EuroCHRIE. She was elected to this position in 2019 and received great respect from the other board members for "leaving a fantastic legacy for future conference hosts" and for "establishing a EuroCHRIE Foundation."
Wittenborg thanks everyone for enriching this event with their presence and for making this possible. Enjoy this recap of the 2022 EuroCHRIE event in Apeldoorn.
WUP 25/01/2022
by Niels Otterman
©WUAS Press