Project Week starts with a workshop on the use of Social Media In business.


Social Media will play a much more important role in communicating to customers or stake-holders about products, processes or even political views and strategies. This block, Project Week will focus on how specialised social media campaigns can enhance and improve sales and business and was kicked off with a seminar given by entrepreneur Menno Both, who through his company Both Social, specializes in advising companies and organisations about the creation, implementation and evaluation of social media campaigns. According to Both, the aim is to bring together brands and people in a way that will lead to a trust relationship between customer and supplier.

Both Social was founded in 2009, with Menno Both as director, as a spin-off company from the University of Twente, and has developed during the past 4 years into an expertise centre on the use of Social Media in business. Customers include both business to business, and direct sales to customer organisations, both in the profit and the non-profit sectors.

During the workshop, students learnt about the affects of so-called 'information overload'  and that consumers will more often make decisive choices on the sort of information they can trust and believe. Social Media will play a much more important role in communicating to customers or stake-holders about products, processes or even political views and strategies. According to Both, 'social media channels will play an increasingly important role in building trust between organisations and their target groups, by acting as a primary source of information about a product or service'.

Menno BothMenno Both, MSc, Directeur of Both Social sees himself as a strategist. , MSc, Directeur of Both Social sees himself as a strategist. With his expertise in communication technology, he understands the possibilities that digital marketing offers, and can play into the newest trends emerging in the field of digital communication.

'Outside of my work, I write football articles for the Italian sports magazine ‘la Scomessa', but I'm not just a football fan' he adds, 'F1 motor racing also grabs my attention!'

Lecturer Karin Pelle, organizer of this block's Project Week on the use of Social Media has promised WUP to keep us updated on the task the students have been set and their findings, later in the week.


WUP 15/4/2013