MBA Students Visit Robot Centre in Almelo

"Robots are Not Here to Take our Jobs, but to Increase Productivity"
MBA students from WUAS recently visited ESPS - the company behind the Robotics Experience Centre in Almelo. They were led by the Head of Wittenborg’s School for Business, Dr Rauf Abdul.
The excursion was part of the final MBA Project Week for the current academic year. Students got a lecture on the activities at the centre by Jeron Heimerink, a Robot Application Project Engineer at ESPS. They were also given a tour around the centre and attended a workshop. ESPS has been operating for the past decade and has more than 15 international companies on their clients list.

On what they learned from the experience, one student, Adedamola Nuga from Nigeria, said: “For almost every task there is now a robot that can help. However, they are quite dangerous and as such need to be caged. Contrary to popular belief, robots are not here to take jobs away from humans. The idea is to collaborate and improve productivity and for robots to carry out repetitive tasks.
“Students had lots of questions and by the end of the tour we were very happy about the opportunity to visit ESPS,” Nuga concluded.
WUP 23/6/2019
by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press