High Praise for Wittenborg's Double Degree Programme from its Amsterdam Students

Students from Wittenborg 's Amsterdam Campus who also graduated from Wittenborg's partner institute in the UK, the University of Brighton, had high praise for the BSc (Hons) in Business they have just completed during the graduation ceremony.
The study trajectory combines Wittenborg’s final year programme IBA Entrepreneurship & Small Business (BBA) with the BSc (Hons) in Business programme of the University of Brighton - which means students graduates with a double degree from both institutions.
Of the 13 students who successfully completed the programme offered at Wittenborg's Amsterdam campus, 8 attended Brighton's 2019 Summer Graduation Ceremony. According to Wittenborg's University of Brighton Programme Coordinator, Myra Qiu, the Wittenborg graduates were highly complimentary of the double-degree programme.
"They said it was an unforgettable memory to experience teaching methods from both the Netherlands and the UK as well as the two graduation ceremonies. Last year we had the first group of graduates from Wittenborg's Amsterdam Campus and in the coming academic year there will be a group of 18 students joining the top-up double-degree programme, offered only in Amsterdam. It comes highly recommended by our graduates. Brighton lecturers also enjoy teaching at Wittenborg's Amsterdam location very much."
The double-degree students who attended the ceremony were Rosemarijn van Reenen, Brisi Dimova, Olivia Kawuma, Nichola Addo, Andrii Chaban, Angelica Shamsurova, Nahla Hmeidi and Abdoul Mounirou Ouedraogo. Qiu supported them along with Wittenborg's Head of the School of Hospitality and Tourism, Esther Gitonga-Bakker.
WUP 10/8/2019
by James Wittenborg