Female Talent at Wittenborg Spotted by International Company

Motorcycle Brand Yamaha Offers Wittenborg Student Job Before Graduating
Talk about top female talent! Not only is Wittenborg student Giti Irantaj about to complete her second master's degree, but she has already landed a cool job in Amsterdam with one of the world's most recognisable brands, Yamaha Motor - the Japanese company best known for manufacturing motorcycles. We caught up with her before she starts on her exciting new journey.
Hi Giti, can you tell us more about yourself?
I am Iranian and doing my second master's, majoring in Digital Marketing and Communication. In general, I’m an active person and I like activities that give me an adrenaline rush. I don’t like routine activities. I am interested in travelling to different countries, playing tennis and driving. Multitasking makes me happy and when I reach my goals I appreciate myself and try to enhance my effort for the next steps.
What did you do before studying at Wittenborg?
I lived in Istanbul, Turkey, for almost 4 years. There I did an MBA and worked as an international sales specialist for two years in an international company. I was responsible for the development of its market share in the Middle East. Emigrating to Turkey smoothed the way for moving to the Netherlands in order to have a higher quality of life.
Why did you choose to study at Wittenborg?
The master's specialisation offered at Wittenborg was exactly the one I wanted. Also, I appreciated the courses and the knowledgeable professors and lecturers.
How did you end up at Yamaha?
I did an internship for six months at Stryker – a medical equipment manufacturer in Amsterdam. Then I got a second internship with Yamaha Motor, also in Amsterdam.
What did the work entail?
Managing content for the company’s social media channels, implementing various campaigns as well as managing all the platforms to ensure a unified brand voice across different social media channels. I gained great insight into digital marketing and obtained more than I had set out for. I felt valued and empowered. Every day presented a new opportunity to learn things.
You mentioned in our email conversations that you got the job offer at the last minute. Can you describe how it went?
I received the offer exactly one hour before the end of the last day of my internship. My manager and colleagues wanted to surprise me with this great news! During my internship I did my best and I knew there could probably be an opportunity. However, I was still worried, because finding a proper job in a great company like Yamaha was really difficult. It is hard to explain my feeling after I heard the news - for a few hours I couldn’t believe I got the offer. I was really happy that my manager trusted me and gave me this excellent opportunity to prove myself and my abilities.
What will you do in your new job?
I will work as a Junior Digital Marketing Coordinator and my responsibilities will be almost the same as before, but there are also more exciting projects lined up.
Wasn't it hard to work and finish your studies during a pandemic?
It was really hard and challenging. I was studying and working full-time simultaneously. Due to the pandemic, I could work from home (the only positive point of the pandemic!) so I had more time to focus on my studies. As I wanted to graduate as soon as possible, I took three courses per block. I had to write at least six assignments (3-4,000 words per assignment), so I could sleep only for 4 to 5 hours per night.
Were you worried about finding a job after your studies? Did you have a Plan B?
I was worried about finding a job from the first day I came here because it was my only goal. I understood that doing an internship could be the best way to find a job so I applied for 20-25 job opportunities every single day. At Yamaha I talked with my manager about my performance and the available position almost two months before ending my internship there. As a precaution I also started to apply for different job positions both in digital marketing and sales. I didn’t want to lose time and apply after graduation, because I knew it would be too late - especially during the pandemic.
What are your long-term ambitions for yourself?
Coming to the Netherlands was my second immigration experience, so I want to settle down and start a new life here. Eventually, I want to start my own business, but as a first step, I still need to learn much more about all the requirements to minimise any potential risks. I know if I put in all my effort, I can reach what I want.
WUP 28/3/2021
by Anesca Smith
©WUAS Press