Kuang HuiHong – Debbie receives honorary degree


Kuang Hongjie – ‘Debbie’ receives honorary degreeKuang Hongjie – ‘Debbie’ receives honorary degree, Saturday 19th May 2012Saturday 19th May 2012, Epe;

During a short, private ceremony at a hospice in Epe, Wittenborg student Debbie Kuang (Kuang HuiHong) was presented with her diploma by directors of Wittenborg, Peter Birdsall and Maggie Feng. Also present were Debbie’s mother Wang Shuyun, Wittenborg lecturer Henry Muusz and volunteers from the hospice.

Debbie’s home is in the Chinese province of Hunan, and during the emotional occasion, Debbie emphasized her wish that Wittenborg continue to grow and always support students from developing countries such as herself to have the chance to study at the school, graduate and become successful. She requested that her name be used to promote Wittenborg’s education to students from poorer backgrounds in developing countries, and that others could benefit in the same way that she did. Maggie Feng remains by Debbie’s side, together with Debbie’s Mother and Henry and his wife, with whom Debbie has lived the past year, in Epe (near Apeldoorn). Debbie’s Father and Sister plan to fly to the Netherlands, to be with her on Tuesday. Kuang Hongjie – ‘Debbie’ receives honorary degree

Kuang Hongjie – ‘Debbie’ receives honorary degree. Saturday 19th May 2012


WUP 19/05/2012