Wittenborg University signs pledge on the sustainable use of natural resources


WUAS signs pledge on the sustainable use of natural resourcesWUAS has signed a pledge with 11 other parties in the public, private and higher education sector which promotes an agenda for the responsible use of natural resources, innovation and the production of clean technology in the Stedendriehoek region.

The agreement was signed at the recently held Cleantech Tomorrow Event in Apeldoorn where signatories pledged themselves to the sustainable use of natural resources and the promotion thereof. 

WUAS signs pledge on the sustainable use of natural resourcesWhen it comes to the reduction of waste Apeldoorn, where WUAS is located, is the top municipality in The Netherlands. The city has reduced waste to 149 kg per person per year, compared to the national average of 240kg per person.

At the two-day Cleantech Event Wittenborg showcased the EU-funded GREAT-project in which it is a research partner. GREAT aims to encourage communities as well as small to medium size enterprises (SME’s) to develop technological solutions for Smart Grid, Renewable Energy and Distributive Generation. It also promotes research and develop policy issues for regulatory authorities and provide structured co-operation opportunities between SMEs, research institutes and technology developers.

Other signatories of the agreement included the Apeldoorn Gemeente – under which municipal jurisdiction Wittenborg falls -, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Circulus Berkel, Solid Pack and the gemeentes of Deventer, Zutphen, Bronkckhorst, Brummen, Doesburg, Epe and Lochem.

Apeldoorn also has one of the highest waste sorting rates in The Netherlands. However, with the agreement, the region says it wants to aim even higher with the reduction of waste.

The GREAT Project - WUAS in Apeldoorn

“There should be no wastage of perfectly re-usable resources. By using waste material as resource we can form a production chain that limits the utilization of primary resources. However, to achieve that, we need innovative partners. Their contribution – whether on an economic, environmental, technical and especially social level – can be applied at every stage of the production chain, from sourcing to processing,” the pledge read.

Paper is one of the first waste-streams which will be researched for optimal use. 

WUP 15/2/2015 

©WUAS Press

by Anesca Smith